Dogespalace is the best place to look at for architecture derived from a style called Venetian Architectur. The influence from Byzantine architecture, and islamic architecture from my knowlegde of islamic architecture of having the best colorful patterned interior, but sometimes plain exterior.
This building uses a mix of Gothic, and the Renaissance styles to establish its old history dating back to the 15th century a.k.a the Renaissance.
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Video of Venice
About Venice the city North of Italy North of Rome the city is inhabited on a lagoon. It is a estravegant city with many civilians moving on boat, ship, canals, and more. Venice also has a lot of art, and history dating back to the renaissance although the art bloom wasn't as big as it was in Florence, Venice still holds places from that time.
News the Church is longlasting, and the Cruiseban is taking a toll on Cruise Companies. Venice government is going to pay in composition for the Cruise companies as many cruise companies will soon lose a lot because of the cruise ban enacted by Venice.