Saint Peter’s University
Jersey City, NJ
Skittles Packet
Google For Doodle
Wooden Figures
Skittles Packet
The skittles packet was made by illustrator using muti-color. For class we had to make our own skittles bag.
The original size measured
1,280px by 720px.
Skittles Packet
The skittles packet was made by illustrator using muti-color. For class we had to make our own skittles bag.
The original size measured
1,280px by 720px.
Google For Doodle
This was made with color pencils,
this picture is supposed to represent aliens coming to earth.
It's original measurement was
512px by 512px.
Wooden Figure
This was made with a sketchpad and a pencil, The idea behind this was drawing still art using a wooden figure.
It is measured by 1,280 x 720.