Stefanie Galarza
521 Kennedy Blvd North Bergen, NJ
Saint Peter’s University
Jersey City, NJ
Professional Objectives: gain experience in an entry-level Graphic Design position
during a summer internship.
I’m certain that the graphing programing experience I gained in high school and college
has prepared me to developed a skill for advertising.
● Saint Peter’s University entering my 2nd year
● Bachelor of Arts| 2018-2022
● Graphic Arts
● I have a high school diploma
● I received my nationally-accredited NOCTI certificate in Advertising and Design.
● While in high school, I worked on various design projects, like making our own
Skittles bag, a design of our own cereal box, and a pamphlet on a Hydroponics
Garden among others, where I gained experience using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Dreamweaver.
● Adobe Illustrator
● Adobe Photoshop
● Adobe InDesign
● Adobe Dreamweaver
● Fine Art
● Familiar with Google Slides/Doc/Sheets
● Excellent Communication and Listener
● Organizer
Reference will be provided upon request